
Below is the list of sessions we will be offering at Unity 2014. Take note of what sessions you’d like to attend!
***Note, sessions are subject to change.

“…they may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom.” The freedom in surrendering your body to Christ (Debbie Larmour)
-An intro to Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
***For those who have little to no experience with Theology of the Body

Les Misérables: What our bodies tell us about our relationship with God (Debbie Larmour)
-A more in depth look at Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body
***For those who desire a deeper look at Theology of the Body/have already attended “Warm Bodies” (Theology of the Body I)

“Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match!” (Fr. Mikahilo Planchak)
-Based on Crystalina and Jason Evert’s book How to Find Your Soulmate Without Losing Your Soul.

“I feel the need—the need to read (the Bible)!” (Fr. Daniel Wach, OSBM)
-Is it a manual? Storybook? History? Myth? Find out in this session!

“It’s alive! It’s alive!” Ethical Issues Around Birth (Sr. Zoe Bernatsky)
-Learn about the newest issues surrounding conception and birth thanks to an advanced technological age.

“Are you watching closely?” The Beauty of Iconography (Kim Bombak)
-A look at what goes into writing an icon and how we use it to pray and further our faith.

“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” World Religions (Bishop Bryan Bayda)
-The fabric of faith that holds communities together can be seen as a gift for growth. How do we keep our faith and at the same time share it with others who belong to other world religions and faith traditions? What is UNITY after all?

“Houston, we have a problem.” (Or do we?) Women Deacons in the Church (Tobias Underwood)
-The history of women deacons in the Ukrainian Catholic church and what looking at the past means for the future.

Our Christian Vocation: To Boldly Go With God Where We Have Never Gone Before (Sr. Emily Schietzsch)
-What is a vocation? How do we figure out what God wants in our lives? Discover different types of vocations and what they entail.

“My Big Fat Greek Wedding”: How to make a marriage work when there is a cultural divide (Carol and Eric Batty)
-Delve into the life of a couple who’s managed to make it work despite the odds.

“May the force be with you! And with your spirit. Wait, what?” Divine Liturgy 101 (Jess Lastiwka)
-What really goes on during all those “Lord have mercy”s and signs of the cross? Find out here!

“The name’s Francis. Pope Francis.” Get to know our beloved pope. (Bishop David Motiuk)
-The man at the head of the Catholic Church: his past, his present, his future, and what that means for us.

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